Kobo is running a Buy One, Get One Free promotion on Mysteries & Thrillers from now through the end of the month. The sale is for readers in Canada, the US, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. Five of my books are part of the BOGO, which makes this an excellent time to pick up…Continue reading BOGO on Mysteries and Thrillers at Kobo!
March Book Fairs
I’m participating in some book fairs over at BookFunnel, featuring dozens of free and discounted books. These collections are great ways to discover new-to-you authors. I take advantage of them all the time to discover great new reads! Click on the images below to explore dozens of stories. Happy reading!
The Single Witch’s Guide to Online Dating is on sale now!
You can now purchase the ebook edition of The Single Witch’s Guide to Online Dating (A Vanessa Kinley, Witch PI Story) at your favorite online retailer! When I planned the Vanessa Kinley Series, I intended this prequel to be exclusive to the newsletter and Facebook group for no more than a year, just until I…Continue reading The Single Witch’s Guide to Online Dating is on sale now!
Sunshine Walkingstick’s continuing story has been on my mind these past few months as I prepare to write Book 6, Vampire Alley. Much of Sunny’s tale involves loops upon loops of family misfortunes and secrets. In the first novel (Greenwood Cove), Sunny’s description of her family revolves around the dual tragedies of her son’s and…Continue reading Perspectives
Smashwords Read an eBook Week
From now through March 11th, 2023, you can get 25% off all my books at Smashwords for their Read an eBook Week celebration. Here are my books, so you can take your pick, but do scroll through the other books on sale and take advantage of these discounts to fill up your ereader.
Online dating is the pits
I’ve been single since about 2015, and let me tell you: dating over 40 is not an experience I would wish on anyone. Over time, I’ve noticed a steady decline in the, shall we say, quality of single men posting profiles on dating sites. Not that the average single male over 40 is a bad…Continue reading Online dating is the pits
The new Vanessa Kinley, Witch PI novel is here!
After a year-long wait, A Witch and Her Familiar (Vanessa Kinley, Witch PI, Book 2) is finally here. I was in the middle of writing this one when I hit the burnout wall hard and had to take time off to recover. Over the past year or so, I’ve discovered quite a bit about my…Continue reading The new Vanessa Kinley, Witch PI novel is here!
Urban Fantasy Winterfest
The Urban Fantasy Winterfest is underway from now until the end of the month. This collection of twelve outstanding stories features the second book in twelve different established series, including my own contribution, The Deep Wood (Sunshine Walkingstick, Book 2). I was very picky when I sorted through the applications for the Urban Fantasy Winterfest…Continue reading Urban Fantasy Winterfest
The Facebook Experiment
Note: This post is an expansion on a recent update regarding my social media presence. As part of my continuing education on the business of writing, I attend or keep tabs on several writer conferences. The major one for indies is 20Books Vegas, an offshoot of the 20Books to 50K Facebook group, held every November…Continue reading The Facebook Experiment
The end of Shadow Magic
Shadow Magic: A Limited Edition Folkloric Romance Anthology will be unpublished on or around March 1. My contribution to the anthology was “The Witch in the Woods,” a story about how Old Mother (Mary Alice King) and Trey Carson met. It’s a lovely story and I hate for it to go out of print. I’m…Continue reading The end of Shadow Magic