Vampire Alley (Sunshine Walkingstick, Book 6) by Celia Roman

Just ten more days!

In ten days, on 30 June 2024, the final Sunshine Walkingstick novel will be published.

Vampire Alley marks the end of a long journey for both Sunny as a character and me as a writer.

I've discussed this elsewhere (somewhere!), but Sunny first walked into my life in September 2014, as a fully drawn character, accent, attitude, and all. It took two years to write her first adventure, Greenwood Cove, and another almost eight years to finish the sixth and final book.

In the intervening years, I've learned so much about what it means to be a writer, and hope each story has been better than the last.

Saying goodbye to such a beloved character has been a tough but necessary step. Sunny is ready for some peace, and I am ready to begin a new adventure with other characters.

I hope you enjoy this final installment in Sunny's grand adventure.

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