Vampire Alley (Sunshine Walkingstick, Book 6) by Celia Roman

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The ebook edition of Vampire Alley, the sixth and final book in the Sunshine Walkingstick Series, is now available at a wide variety of online retailers.

We're working on paperback and audiobook editions and will have more news about those editions at a later date, but I do hope to hire Rebecca Winder as the narrator. She so beautifully captured Sunny's voice in the audiobook editions of earlier stories that I can't even imagine having to go with another narrator.

Sunny's been a part of our lives for almost a decade now, and I hope I've done her final story justice.

Here's a little more about it:

When my mama gets kidnapped from prison, it don't take too long for the culprit to come forward. Seems Atlanta's head vampire's got a little problem with her vampires up and dying on her, and she's fingered me as the very body what can figure out what's going on.

Me? I ain't got no problem watching the monster population die off a little at a time. But that vampire? She's determined to save her fledglings, and she ain't afraid to hurt my family and friends to guarantee my help.

Normally I aim to kill monsters.

This time, though, I gotta figure out how to save 'em, else Mama and me both might end up worse than dead.

Vampire Alley is available at Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Kobo, and other retailers.

Happy reading!

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