Witch Hollow is here!

Witch Hollow, the fourth novel in the Sunshine Walkingstick Series, is finally here!

I'm so excited to bring this story to you, for a wide variety of reasons. First, it was requested by readers, which is truly a special gift to an author. There's nothing like knowing readers love a character and story world enough to want more.

Secondly, there's so much going on in Witch Hollow. I don't want to spoil the read for anyone, but we learn a lot about Missy and delve more into Riley and his family.

I personally feel that this is the best story in the series, and while it's the longest book by far (it beats out the next longest book, The Deep Wood, by around five thousand words), it reads very quickly. There's a ton of action and, better, a ton of emotion as Sunny has a few come-to-Jesus moments. My editor told me he teared up over the ending every time he read it, so that should tell you something.

Ok, enough blather. Go pick up a copy. Trust me. You're going to love Witch Hollow.

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